Choke Valves Features
Ringo is API 6A certi ed for production and testing of chokes according to all Product Speci cation Levels: PSL1, PSL2, PSL3, PSL3G and PSL4 as well as for the two different Product Requirements: PR1 and PR2, depending on services and customer requirements. In addition, our chokes can be design and produce according to other different standards on request, such as ASME B16.34 or GOST.
Trim Service
Severe service adjustable chokes

Hole distribution for STD cage and its related velocity jet stream
STD Cage
Multi-hole cage for non-critical modulating service.

Hole distribution for LDB cage and its related velocity jet stream
LDB (LOW db)
Multi-hole cage with small hole pattern to reduce noise level by decreasing jet diameter and increasing fp.
Contoured trim
Single stage contoured trim utilizing top and seat guiding for maximum stability while also providing an open ow path to prevent solid particles, such as sand, from getting “trapped.” Both seat and plug as well as optionally available downstream wearing sleeve are made using solid wear resistant materials, such as tungsten carbide, providing exceptional service life under the most extreme conditions.
Multi-stage Solutions
Multistaged trim for small Cv values, normally used for choke valves of small sizes. In addition can be added to other plug types to provide high rangeability (up to 1:200) and multi-stage effect for start up conditions at low stroke, where other common multi-stage system has no effect.
Available in Flow Over the seat and Flow Under the seat con guration.
CAVLESS TM cage has a double drilled series of radial holes, which provides a nozzle effect. The design can control the location of the vena-contracta and therefore control the location where cavitation occurs. When the plug is throtling a number of nozzles will be uncovered and the resulting jet stream of cavitation liquid will be directed into the cage center. This diverts the harmful effects of cavitation away from the plug and cage. Only available in Flow Over the seat con guration.
With our MULTICYL TM cage the uid goes through a stepped pressure reduction process, the number of steps being as large as necessary to keep pressure drop under critical values.
We have the expertise to calculate, design and manufacture the MULTICYL TM trim with the necessary number of stages to have xT and Fl as higher as required by process conditions. Only available in Flow Under the seat con guration.
CROSSTEP TM design behaves as a multistep pressure reducer cage but with multidisc stack construction, the crossings being the equivalent of the restrictions-expansions with the advantage of a lower pressure recovery.
The channels sectional area, the number of channels per disc, the impinging angle at every crossing and the number of crossings, are calculated to best suit every particular set of conditions.